Application for Service

  1. This form can be used by customers requesting a new water/ sewer connection.
  2. The form is also used for relocation of services /relocation to water main
New Connection Requirements
If Owner Of Property
D.C.A approval plan for all houses being built or already erected. (Note that the consumption for houses being built will be charged at the commercial rate and the customer is to inform the company on completion of construction so to change the tariff; otherwise, commercial rate will still be charged).

Updated land register (within 30 days) or deed of sale (copy)

Valid picture I.D (copy)

$33.75 to conduct an estimate (non-refunable & VAT inclusive)

Completed application form

If Not Owner Of Property
D.C.A approval plan for all houses being built or already erected. (Note that the consumption for houses being built will be charged at the commercial rate and the customer is to inform the company on completion of construction so to change the tariff; otherwise, commercial rate will still be charged).

The owner\'s deed of sale or updated land register (within 30 days)(copy).

The land owner\'s valid picture ID (copy).

Letter of permission form land or property owner.

Applicants valid picture I.D (copy).

$33.75 to conduct an estimate (non-refunable & VAT inclusive).

Completed application form.

If Apllying For Additional Meter
D.C.A approval plan for all houses being built or already erected. (Note that the consumption for houses being built will be charged at the commercial rate and the customer is to inform the company on completion of construction so to change the tariff; otherwise, commercial rate will still be charged).

The owner\'s deed of sale or updated land register (within 30 days)(copy)

The account or meter number for the existing connection (copy).

Applicants and/or owners valid picture I.D (copy).

$33.75 to conduct an estimate (non-refunable & VAT inclusive).

Completed application form.

Other Requirements
If land has been inherited, a copy of a will must be presented.

If property belongs to the Castries City Council (C.C.C), an authorised letter from the council is required.

If the land is currently being surveyed, or deed of sale is being prepared after purchasing property, an authorised letter from a lawyer is required stating whom the owners will be.

If family land, a copy of the land register is required,a letter of permission from the land owner(s) and their ID(s). (NOTE: that if signed by each of them as well as a copy of a valid picture ID).

If land owner is decreased in the situation above, the copy of the death certificate must be presented.

Landlords are required to apply and pay for service connections for tenants who they wish to have individual connections.

Contractors are required to pay a contractual fee of $1000.00 (refundable) when applying on behalf of clients.

Wasco wishes to inform that approval must be gien by the development control authority before any building is erected. For that reason, it is mandatory that approved site plans be submitted to company when applying in order to receive a new service connection also, please be reminded that connections are errected within 10-20 working days after application is aproved. Connections will be denied if the applicant has to run more than (10) ten lengths of pipe from their property to the closet WASCO main. After Estimate is conducted it is valid for only one(1) year.
New Service Connection Form

Type of Service Requested:

Is sewer service required ?

Status of Applicant:

Is this residence part of a development ?

Type of House:

Location of House:
Has approval been obtained from development control authority:

Attach Written Approval for connection from property owner,where property is not your own.
1. Attach copy of approved house and site plan (for houses under construction or recently constructed).

2. Please attach a sketch of location/directions of property to be connected. Please indicate the name of the development if the property is part of a resdential development. If not indicate name of person you purchased from.

3. The consumption for houses being constructed will be charged at the commercial rate. Customer is to inform WASCO in writing on completion of construction; otherwise, Commercial rates will be charged.

4. All llines from the propert must be buried at least 18" to 24" with a stopcock up to the point of the meter/lateral installation, which should be at your property boundary point nearest to WASCO's main.

5. WASCO recommends that each household have adequate private storage facilities in the event of interruptions in the water supply. A minimum of 3 days storage is recommended (60 gal per person per day).

6. Minimum charges will be applied even if no water is being consumed.

7. The service will be withdrawn if at anytime it is found that the property already had an existing connection if another property is found receiving water from the connection or if any illegal withdrawal of water is recognized.


Use of Water/Property

The applicant is deemed to have accepted the Water and Sewerage Company Inc.\'s terms and conditions appropriate to the services provided as a result of this application.
I/We agree to pay on demand the full fees applicable to the services provided by the Water and Sewerage Company Inc., including all reconnection fees before service is reconnected after being temporarily disconnected for arrears or any other cause, for which the Company is not responsible. I/We agree to pay for the cost of reinstalling the meter and/or service line should they be damaged by any party other than the company\'s official. (The term "damaged" means the deliberate removal of the meter, the destruction of the meter and/or the line and the burying of the meter by gravel or concrete is such a way that it cannot be is too costly to retrive.)
I/We understand that I am/we are bound by this agreement as long as the service line from the property is connected to the company\'s mains and for periods of temporary disconnected until the service is terminated by giving one month\'s notice in writing.


* indicates required