Belvedere to Bouton Water Extension Project


Belvedere to Bouton Water Extension projectThe Water and Sewerage Company Inc. (WASCO) and the St. Lucia Social Development Fund (SSDF) will this month begin works on the Belvedere to Bouton water extension project.

The project comprises the installation of ten thousand seven hundred (10,700) feet of four (4) inch water mains, from Belvedere to Bouton, Pump house and a 50,000 gallon potable water tank under the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) funded Basic Needs Trust Fund sixth programme (BNTF 7) in the amount of approximately $1.2 million XCD. The Water Extension Enhancement Project will create a more efficient supply of treated water from the treatment plant, as well as a more resilient system to endure manmade and natural disasters.

Further, this will lead to improvements in the reliability and consistency of the water service to this area. The project has become increasingly important as more persons have moved into the community resulting in need for increased meter connectivity.

WASCO continues to recognize the need for sustained investments in water storage facilities and other infrastructure for vulnerable rural communities since they are critically needed to build climate resilience improve health and well being and water security, especially in areas like Bouton. The project is estimated to finish in about three months about mid August.

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