John Compton Dam Rehabilitation Project


John ComptonThe Water & Sewerage Company Inc. (WASCO) early in 2015 had completed the first phase, i.e., The Study, for the John Compton Dam de-Silting and Rehabilitation project. After which, request for proposals (RFP) had been sought from two (2) prequalified firms to undertake the second phase of the project, i.e., The Works. In November 2015 WASCO sought a pre-bid meeting with the pre-qualified firms and the deadline for the submission of proposals from them, was December 2015. This process reached the negotiations stage but failed as the bidder was unwilling to meaningfully negotiate. The process was subsequently terminated and a new process ensued thereafter.

The Senior Manager Operations, Aly Anthony noted, “the John Compton Dam rehabilitation project is essentially a dredging and disposal project including a Catchment Rehabilitation component to reduce on the impact of landslides and other mass earth movements in the reservoir.”

The project, funded by Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) with financial assistance from the European Investment Bank and the Inter American Development Bank is being undertaken by Water & Sewerage Company Inc. (WASCO), and is set up to ensure accountability and transparency where the CDB is involved in every significant stage of the project and has to give its ‘No objection’ before WASCO can move to another stage. The Central Tenders Board too also has to provide its ‘No Objection’.

The selected evaluation committee consists of WASCO in-house staff, members of the Board of Directors and at least one suitable person from another government agency. The CDB and the CTB has to first approve the evaluation committee

The typical procurement process used was as follows:

  • Advertisement for prequalification was placed in the Gazette, a local newspaper, CDB and United Nations Development Business (UNDB) website. Respondents were evaluated, shortlisted and a report submitted to the CDB and CTB for its no objection.
  • The shortlisted firms were invited to respond to a Request for Proposal. The Terms of Reference and tender documents for the RFP were produced through the joint efforts of WASCO, Consultant and CDB.
  • Upon receipt of the Bids or proposals an evaluation exercise was undertaken and the results of the evaluation were submitted to the CDB and CTB for its ‘No Objection’ before negotiations commence.


The tender documents were revised and advertised but instead of a prequalification process, a post-qualification process was undertaken. This process will shorten the procurement process as once the bidder does not fully comply with the post-qualification criteria, the bid will be rejected. The process as outlined in the CDB procurement rules will continue until a successful bidder emerge. An evaluation report will be generated and submitted to the CDB and CTB for their ‘No Objection” to enter into negotiation with the most successfully bidder first. If negotiations succeed then the bidder is awarded the contract.

A Project Management Unit was developed to manage this project. This unit is currently being headed by a senior engineer from Trinidad. The unit will be staffed by two Project Engineers, an Environmental Monitoring Officer and a cadre of support staff.

Currently, the Request for Proposals for the John Compton Dam Rehabilitation project has been advertised and proposals are expected to be received by the CTB on 23rd September 2016 with an anticipated public opening shortly thereafter. Evaluations will be undertaken by the evaluation committee and submitted to the CDB and CTB for their ‘No Objection’ to enter into negotiations with the successful post-qualified bidder or bidders. If all goes well, a contract is expected to be awarded before end of year 2016.

The other key components of the project are as follows:

  • The upper catchment areas of the reservoir are to be stabilised and rehabilitated.
  • Supplementary water sources are to be developed to augment the supply from the reservoir.
  • The spillway wing-wall is to be reinstated and the outlets in the Dam are to be restored.
  • Monitoring equipment are to be installed.
  • An environmental and social plan is included for implementation.
  • A climate vulnerability assessment for purposes of ensuring resilience is incorporated in the recommendations.

The entire process has been carried out in keeping with the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) procurement rules which require 'no objections' from the CDB before proceeding from one stage to the next. It also requires all submissions to be received and opened by the Central Tenders Board and the approval of that Board to undertake the stages. WASCO has satisfied all the requirements of the CDB rules and the Central Tenders Board, and therefore has progressed the project to the current Works Phase.

Hence, the Water and Sewerage Company Inc wishes to clarify that;

  1. There has been no contract awarded previously for The Works (second phase) nor has there been any contract awarded to date for The Works phase of the project.
  1. There has been no request to stop or cease The Works (second phase) nor the Request for Proposal.
  1. The amount to undertake the Works will be known only after proposals are received from the pre-qualified firms in which will include an evaluation; and there is a 'no objection' award made to the successful pre-qualified firm.
  1. The deadline date for receipt of proposals from the pre-qualified firms is September 25th, 2016.
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