Micoud and Desruisseaux Water Supply Redevelopment Project


Plant DesruisseauxThe Water and Sewerage Company Inc wishes to inform you of the  Micoud and Desruisseaux  Water Supply Redevelopment Project.  

The project is funded by the European Union (EU) in the amount € 810,000 EUR to the beneficiary of Saint Lucia, the National Authorising Officer (NAO). The Water and Sewerage Company Inc acts as the project supervisor.

The Desruisseaux Intake was built to accommodate 864 cubic meters of water, which is equivalent to 190,000  (UK) imperial gallons per day of water. However, following Hurricane Tomas in 2010, an assessment indicated that the intake was severely compromised. The Christmas Eve December 2013, Trough disaster worsened the situation. It therefore became necessary to rehabilitate the intake and upgrade the treatment process. 

This phase of the project involves; the construction of an intake plant at Desruisseaux, rehablitation and upgrades of the treament plant, replenishment of sand in the filter, supply and replacement of missing parts of treament plant, procure and installation of lamellas[1] at the Desruisseaux treament plant to imporve process.

The project will develop a more effective channel for raw water to the treatment plant and a more resilient system to weather events thereby improving the reliablity of service and it becoming more consist.

In Micoud, the project seeks to increase the water treatment plant capacity by 1,364 cubic meters or 300,038 imperial gallons and improved resilience of the treatment process to turbid waters caused by erosion and/or landslides during rain events

Plant DesruisseauxThe objective is to improve access with a consistent and sustainable supply of safe drinking water in the Micoud community and invloves construction of a clarifier, filter and renonation work to the grounds at the Micoud Treatment Plant.

The aformentoned  project will be undertaken through WASCO and will target the Micoud and Desruisseaux communities which are towards the south of the island and frequently experience an inconsistent water supply caused either by drought or turbidity. More specifically, the project aims to: increase the capacity of the Micoud slow sand treatment plant in order to provide a more consistent supply of safe drinking water, increase the raw water supply in Desruisseaux via the construction of an intake at affirmentioned, and provide appropriate infrastructure for water treatment at Desruisseaux to withstand seasonal conditions such as natural disasters. Both Micoud and Desruisseaux are expected to be completed during the first quarter of 2016.

The Water and Sewerage Company remains committed to our customers and we are pleased to inform you of this development for your knowledge and understanding please stay tuned to local media information on this project.

The Communications and Public Relations Department will continue to keep you informed as to other exciting projects happening in communities near you.

[1]lamella clarifier (inclined-plate clarifier) is designed to remove particulates from liquids

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