
WASCO Community Water Partnerships tree planting exercise with students from Babonneau.

Among them were students from Balata Primary, Fond Assua Primary, Bogius and Babonneau Primary who were briefed by Forestry Officer, Patrick on the reason for the event and its significance.

Mr. Patrick told the students the importance of being part of the tree planting ceremony and how they can return years later and still see the trees standing that they would have planted.

“We hope to develop the bigger project so that everyone can enjoy themselves and hopefully many years from now, your little kids, brothers and sisters, can come and enjoy the river. So what we are doing today we are planting trees well beyond this event,” Alrick Edward President Babonneau Youth Synergy disclosed.

He further explained that the trees they were planting were the Argo forestry, which is fruit trees planted to  wood agriculture incorporating the cultivation and conservation of trees.

“So we want to leave very long living trees so well beyond the years, we can all come back here and say we planted this tree,” he told the students, noting that those particular trees had come are found in the area already.

Those trees are still there it’s a useful thing that you are going to do and many years later when you get older like me you can look back and see you did something good for the environment and for better healthy living.

The WASCO’s community water partnership envisions an improved quality of life for the Territory and customers by the preservation and management of the natural environment. Through Babonneau Youth Synergy, the partnership promotes the replanting of trees to improve and safe-guard water resources and minimise exposed landscapes.

TREE PLANTING EXERCISE DAY TWO,  Saturday 16 July 2016 from 10:00 a.m.

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