WASCO Health Fair


On  Friday 7th July, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. in the Water and Sewerage Company Inc. parking lot, L’Anse Road. WASCO presents its workforce Health Fair for the entire WASCO family. A variety of programs and organizations will gather to promote general health by providing presentations and educational materials. The goal of the Health Fair is to provide a collective forum in an effort to foster health promotion and prevention awareness for the WASCO team members and by extension their families and community members, so that they may achieve their highest level of wellness. "Health is not just the absence of disease... it is the complete physical, mental and social well-being." (Helvie, 1998) for WASCO employees to work effectively, he or she must be in good health.

he event was sponsored by WASCO with partners such as 20/20 Optical, Ministry of Health, Faces of Cancer, Cancer Society and Dr. Owen Gabriel; cancer specialist from the Oncology Centre who will also make a special presentation. The health fair is expected to be success as all who attend will walk away with a better appreciation of services provided within our local communities and an education on good health practices.

We would like to thank all of the organizations who agreed to attend and we appreciate their support and informative presentations.

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